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Finding 臭臭 (Chòu Chòu)

(Short Film)

Short Film, 2013

Synopsis: A prisoner awaits his death penalty and dreams of simpler, innocent times. The dreams turn into nightmares as his baby pillow (臭臭) is destroyed repeatedly, symbolising innocence marred by sins.

Finding 臭臭 (Chòu Chòu) is a student film by Goh Ansen, Lee Ming Rui, Goh Wan Yi, Sng Yi Xian, Clara Wong & Denise Khng.

It is a group project for DN1004 at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), School of Art, Design & Media (ADM), Singapore.

Project Website:


Script Writer & Director: Goh Ansen
Director of Photography: Zexun Tan
Camera Operator: Soh Jun Wei
Sound Supervisor: Sng Yi Xian
Storyboard: Denise Khng
Producer: Lee Ming Rui
Art Director: Clara Wong
Editor: Goh Wan Yi

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